Smash Factor Game Improvement session
"Smash Factor" is the translation of a golfers ability to covert clubhead speed into ball speed expressed as a ratio. Launch monitors are requires to read your ball speed to divide by club head speed giving you a "smash Factor " result . Increasing your smash factor will lead to an increase in the distance and a more consistant accuacy of your SMASHED golf balls.
There is no substitute for hard work, and practice, however, we can practice "smart" to maximise the benefit from our time and gain fantastic results on the scorecard . If you need your game assesed and alterations made ,we can help put you in touch with a recommended PGA professional , qualified and proven to help get the most out of your game .
"Smash factor " - practical application
PGA professional Todd Kolb explains Smash Factor on US Golf TV
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Some great examples of how "Smash Factor" can effect the distance you smash the ball . Swinging faster doesn't necessarily mean the ball will go further .
The higher the smash factor, the more efficient the golfer is at translating clubhead speed into ball speed .This usually means making better contact with the ball, e.g., an impact position on the clubface that is more centered and you SMASH it .